Work hard and you’ll get what you want!
Working hard is the way to success!
Success [often equated with happiness and fulfilled life], is to be achieved by work and more work!
Right? Uhmm .. No!
The hard work is not a way to happiness and success. Not when we only focus on the ‘working hard’ part.
Not that success does not require dedication and full commitment but the scientific and research data from various fields all come together to show how happiness and fulfilment require diversifying and nurturing different areas of life. These different areas complement each other, creating a fulfilled and sustainable life. Such life has a biggest potential to bring about, and support, happiness.
Over-stressing any one particular part, in hope that its potential will overspill and compensate for the other, under-developed or neglected areas is not a particularly successful strategy.
In career coaching and personal development, tools such as “balance” or ‘wheel of life’ facilitate creating awareness and provide language to start talking about other elements which are pivotal for achieving success and happiness in a sustainable manner.
Openness to change, work-life balance, building relationships, learning and development, career development strategy, use of personal energy are only some of the fields that are worth investing time and energy on. Their ROI are exponential.
Having an honest and curious conversation with self to think about your values and things that matter to you can also be a good start to look at ‘how balanced is my ‘Balance’? Or how round is my ‘wheel of life’?